Spotlight on Clubs: Green Team

By Charlotte Quigley
June 04, 2024

Growing Green: The Green Team at Greenbriar West Elementary

Every Friday morning, long before the school bell rings, a dedicated group of students join Ms. Howard with a common mission: to make their school and community a greener, more sustainable place. This diverse team of students, ranging from grades 2 through 6, forms the heart of the school's Green Team, a club devoted to environmental stewardship and education.

Nurturing Nature: The School Garden

One of the Green Team's most hands-on projects this year has been the planting and maintenance of the school garden. Under the guidance of their club advisors, students have transformed a once-unused patch of land into a thriving garden filled with vegetables, flowers, and native plants. From planting seeds to pulling weeds, the young environmentalists have learned about the lifecycle of plants, the importance of pollinators, and the benefits of growing their own food. The garden not only provides a beautiful green space for the school but also serves as an outdoor classroom where science and nature come to life.

Learning About Wolves: A Wild Connection

The Green Team's passion for the environment extends beyond their school grounds. This year, they had the unique opportunity to learn about wolves from the experts at the International Wolf Center. The students were fascinated by the lives of these majestic animals and the critical role they play in their ecosystems. Through interactive presentations and engaging activities, the Green Team members gained a deeper understanding of wildlife conservation and the importance of protecting endangered species.

Mission Green Global: A Collaborative Workshop

The Green Team also had the privilege of participating in a workshop led by students from Mission Green Global, a high school environmental group from Chantilly High School. This collaborative event allowed the younger students to learn from their older peers, who shared their knowledge and passion for sustainability. The workshop covered a range of topics, from climate change to sustainable living practices, and included hands-on activities that made complex environmental issues accessible and exciting for Green Team Members. 

Recycling Revolution: A Plan for Change

One of the Green Team's most impactful initiatives this year was their analysis of the school's waste management practices. The students conducted a detailed study, comparing the amount of garbage generated to the amount of material recycled. Their findings were eye-opening: Greenbriar West Elementary had significant room for improvement in its recycling efforts. Armed with this data, the Green Team devised a comprehensive plan to boost the school's recycling rates. Their plan included educational campaigns to raise awareness among students and staff, as well as practical changes like better-labeled recycling bins and regular monitoring of waste output.

Inspiring a Greener Future

The Green Team's efforts have not gone unnoticed. Their projects have inspired the entire school community to think more critically about their environmental impact and take steps towards more sustainable practices. The club's success is a testament to the power of young people to drive positive change and demonstrates that even the smallest actions can make a big difference.

As the school year draws to a close, the members of the Green Team can look back with pride on all they have accomplished. They have not only improved their school’s environmental footprint but have also planted the seeds of a lifelong commitment to sustainability in themselves and their peers. The future looks bright for Greenbriar West Elementary’s Green Team, and their journey is far from over. With new projects and ideas already in the works for next year, this group of young environmentalists is sure to continue making a lasting impact on their community and beyond.