2023-24 ESSER III/School Innovation and Improvement Plan
Outcome goals for this academic year.
Complete ESSER School Funding Plans
Language Arts
Goal: By June 2024, all EL students in grades 1-3 will meet their within-year growth target on iReady reading. | |
Strategy 1: Improve the use of interactive read-alouds for building knowledge and vocabulary through texts that affirm students' lived experiences. | Action 1: Explicit grade-level planning of interactive read-alouds for upcoming units. Reading specialist will model Interactive Read Alouds during professional development for staff at monthly staff meetings and during CTs. Reading specialist will also be offering before-school work sessions to support staff in implementing best practices for interactive read-alouds (IRAs). Action 2: Create grade-level common practices for teaching vocabulary from IRA. When unpacking units in CT meetings, reading specialist is supporting teachers in explicitly identifying vocabulary to guide instruction. Action 3: Use of Planning and Pacing Guide (PPG) resources that support phonemic awareness, phonics, and vocabulary. Reading specialist has modeled how to best use the PPG for phonemic awareness, and phonics. |
Strategy 2: Expand the use of skills-based grouping to ensure students demonstrate mastery of foundational skills. | Action 1: Monitor and adjust small group instruction based on progress monitoring in Lexia. Reading Specialist has modeled how to better interpret Lexia data to better inform small group instruction. Action 2: Identify and devise an intervention plan for students using UFLI . We have selected some staff to receive UFLI training across grade levels to build more reading intervention skills. Action 3: We have reinforced our expectations for daily PAW Time (Pandas at Work) daily, 30-minute intervention by classroom teachers and support staff(ESOL, SPED, Reading, AART). We have strategically staggered these times so that support staff can have a maximum impact on multiple grade levels. |
Strategy 3: Improve daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology in the core language arts block. | Action 1: An intentional focus on Phonics and Vocabulary at all grade levels by utilizing suggested resources from PPG. Teachers are being trained LETRS to help support phonics and vocabulary instruction. Action 2: We are intentionally including phonics and vocabulary instruction during the language arts block. Small group instruction by classroom teachers and support staff (ESOL, SPED, AART and Reading) based on the needs of students. Action 3: Additionally, we will be planning explicity intervention instruction to support phonics and vocabulary during our PAW Time (Pandas at Work) daily, 30 minute intervention by classroom teachers and support staff(ESOL, SPED, Reading, AART). |
Goal: By June 2023-2024 school year 90% of students in grades 3-6 will pass the VAAP/SOL. | |
Strategy 1: Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention. | Action 1: Schoolwide PAW (Pandas at work) time with IA support, AART, and Monitors to work with small groups targeted for math interventions. Action 2:Math lead will lead mini PD during staff meetings and or before school to support Professional development on the use of ST math and Ready, set, math as an intervention strategy. Action 3: Encourage staff to sign up for opportunities to be trained explicitly in AVMR and continue to support staff with mathematics training opportunities. |
Strategy 2: Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging and student-centered Mathematics Instruction. | Action 1: Classroom teachers will engage in dialog and common planning during CT's to unpack units and develop lessons that support student conversation and dialog in mathematics. Action 2: Math lead will share and support teachers in understanding the framework for engaging and student-centered mathematics during CT time with teams, so teachers are familiar with this resource and a structure for their mathematics instruction. Action 3: We have reinforced our expectations for daily PAW Time (Pandas at Work) daily, 30-minute intervention by classroom teachers and support staff(ESOL, SPED, Reading, AART). We have strategically staggered these times so that support staff can have a maximum impact on multiple grade levels. |
Strategy 3: Increase teachers' implementation strategies related to Shift 8: from looking for correct answers to revealing student thinking. | Action 1: Utilizing CT's to unpack units and develop lessons that support shifts in instructional practices to have students share their thinking instead of simply answering a problem individually. Action 2: Instructional coaches will model how to engage students in conversations about their mathematical thinking through modeling sensemaking routines. Action 3: AART will work with CT's and model how to implement some of the M2 and M3 units that support students' thinking deeper and explaining their thinking in mathematics |
Portrait of a Graduate (POG)
Goal: By June 2024, students in grades 4-6 will demonstrate growth in at least 1 self-identified POG attribute by providing 2 examples of evidence that demonstrate that growth in a Presentation of Learning, and their score recorded in RUBI. | |
Strategy 1: Increase opportunities for student reflection, goal-setting, and feedback that supports growth. | Action 1: Classroom teachers will provide students weekly opportunities for reflection on their growth in any attribute. |
Strategy 2: Expand opportunities for students to regularly learn about, apply, and reflect on POG skills aligned with course content. | Action 1: Teams will use CT planning time to ensure that they are including opportunities to engage with POG within course content. Action 2: POG attributes and skills will be included in the Morning News show as well as morning meeting. |
Strategy 3: Expand opportunities for students to discuss evidence of growth of POG attributes | Action 1: Teachers will provide space weekly during morning meetings and/or closing circles for students to share with others. Action 2: Student will create folders within their Google Drives to house their evidence. |
For additional information regarding this School Plan, please contact the school principal.