Preparing for Kindergarten
What can I do to prepare my child for kindergarten?
- Read to your child EVERY DAY!
- Help your child master the letters of the alphabet, both upper and lower case.
- Talk about the books you read together.
- Encourage your child to recognize environmental print.
- Enjoy many life experiences together.
- A grocery store, library, park, subway, zoo, airport, museum, circus, fair, etc. will offer many learning experiences that your child can use to connect books and activities in the classroom.
Before School Starts Please Work With your Child On:
- Saying his or her first AND last name.
- Write their first name or attempt to.
- Tell an adult if something is wrong or they need help.
- Eat lunch and manage lunch containers on their own.
- Take care of basic needs on own (restroom, clothing)
- Read often. (You read to them, they pretend to read)
- Sing or recite nursery rhymes or songs.
- Use scissors and glue.
- Follow two step directions.
- Sing the alphabet.
- Tie their shoes on their own
- Count to 10.
- Take turns and share.
- Hold a pencil or crayon.
- Know their teacher's name.