Dress Code

Student dress is important, as it relates to the atmosphere that affects learning and development of wholesome attitudes. Students demonstrate better behavior and show more attention to school work when they are neatly dressed. All students should wear shoes that allow for safety during an active physical education program. Hairstyles must not interfere with vision or the learning atmosphere. While student dress and grooming instruction are prime responsibilities of parents, it is hoped that the school and parents can work together to encourage the development of positive attitudes and habits of proper dress and healthy personal hygiene in our students.

  • Undesirable clothing items are as follows:

  • Halter, strapless, tube, or sleeveless tops

  • Cropped tops allowing midriff exposure

  • Low riding pants or skirts allowing hip exposure

  • Hats worn indoors (Hats worn for sun protection are acceptable)

  • Any clothing displaying offensive and distracting words or pictures